They are very sturdy and cast with several attach points underneath. Each table piece has a Shopsmith miter T-slot. The tables have similar construction to the 510 and later tables, but are larger, 10.5' X 31'. I don't know why they didn't move forward with it. Additional pics show the blade at the furthest back and forward positions, and the carriage pull extended in the front. The unique feature of the Sawsmith is the sliding blade carriage. The picture shows the telescoping legs attached, they aren't necessary for the short rails but I'll probably keep them there when I'm not using them on the 510 (never got those legs with the 510).
The miter gauge and upper blade guard are the same as the ones on my 510.
It came with the Excalibur fence and rails, two extension tables, an unused Shopsmith Taper Jig, regular and dado inserts. I won't need the extra length any time soon, there are several ways I can join those cut pieces if needed. I have the 48' rails mounted, it came with 71' rails that had been cut into 40' and 31' pieces for reasons unknown. I found this at least 5 years ago and only this week was able to re-assemble it.